Locust Walk

Strategic Partnering and M&A Transactions


Locust Walk’s Strategic Transactions offering involves both licensing and acquisition deals on the sell-side and buy-side with the right partners on a global basis, including key regions across the USA, Europe, Japan and China.


Sell-side transactions

  • We often begin with a corporate or portfolio strategy project to ensure there is alignment around the client’s objectives.
  • We strategically position assets and companies for transactions with upfront preparation before making the first outreach call.
  • We work with clients before execution to assess market potential globally or regionally, plan partnerships, and optimize desired deal structures for success.
  • We execute comprehensive global or regional strategic processes from outreach through deal closure targeting the right partners due to our deep and regular contact with buyers.
  • Typical timelines include about 1 to 3 months of upfront preparation depending on how much strategy was already in place and 6 to 12 months for deal execution. Sell-side M&A can move on a quicker timeline.

Buy-side transactions

  • We often begin with a corporate or portfolio strategy initiative to ensure sufficient thought has been given to a client’s inorganic growth plans.
  • We continue with an global asset screen to identify the most promising potential licensing and acquisition targets.
  • We can execute blinded transactability to determine if a deal is feasible and, if so, under what conditions.
  • We seamlessly integrate into deal execution positioning the client as a partner of choice, company and product commercial due diligence, valuation modeling leading to a term sheet, and deal structuring and negotiations towards a rapid deal closure.

How We Are Different

At Locust Walk, we’re an integrated corporate development team that helps clients think through strategic options and executes the value maximizing transaction. For companies on the sell-side, we augment or serve as a corporate development team, providing strategic support throughout the process. For companies on the buy-side, we help identify growth strategies and transactions and integrate that with an execution capability to do the right deals with our clients. We conduct significant due diligence on sell-side assignments so buyers know that we are only sharing high value differentiated opportunities with them. Our ability to pivot to parallel track a private financing with either a sell-side or buy-side process differentiates us from all other investment banks and advisors.
Click here to see our transactions and case studies.
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