Locust Walk

Deal Makers of Japan, Volume 2

We are pleased to present the second series of the Deal Makers of Japan – Exclusive Interviews with Japan’s best dealmakers. We released our inaugural edition in March 2020 and have received numerous comments from biotech/biopharma companies around the world. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage.


Since then, we have seen COVID-19 evolve into a pandemic engulfing the world, seeing unprecedented suffering and damage to not only our health but the global economy, as well. But with the solidarity of our medical community and the act to find a treatment by the biotech/biopharma world, we can only attest to the fact that this fight against SARS-CoV-2 will be overcome and we as a world will only stand up stronger and better.

Like we have done in our inaugural edition, we have reached out to six pharmaceutical companies in Japan and with a business development perspective in mind, asked each firm’s 1) overall strategy 2) focus therapeutic areas 3) unique initiatives 4) thoughts regarding emerging technologies and modalities 5) message to future partners. In this series, we are pleased to present Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., Maruho Co., Ltd., Maruishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Teijin Pharma Limited.

Each company we interviewed has their unique perspectives and approaches and we believe this to be an invaluable piece for all.

We at Locust Walk hope the reader will continue to read this white paper and reach a deeper understanding of Japanese pharma.

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