Locust Walk

Capital Markets


Locust Walk’s Capital Markets offering includes the preparation and execution of high value private placements.

Capital Markets Capabilities

Private Placement Capital Raise

  • We invest significant time upfront to prepare our client for success prior to conducting any investor outreach, by creating an investor ready presentation detailing the capital plans, milestones, programs and overview their competitive differentiation. Typically it takes up to one month to prepare to launch the process.
  • We coach and mentor management teams in preparation to sell their story with dry runs, coaching, and ongoing feedback.
  • We create a comprehensive global target list to focus on investors who have the highest likelihood of investing
  • We solicit investor interest, facilitate due diligence, negotiate term sheets, and close financings on the best possible terms for companies.
  • Typical timeline spans 6 to 10 months for private company financings

IPO Advisory

  • We lead the drafting of the business section of the registration statement (S-1 or F-1) ahead of the organizational meeting and continue iterating through the public filing.
  • We prepare the management presentation for testing the waters and roadshow meetings.
  • We assist in the introduction, interviewing, vetting and the selection process of the underwriter syndicate, supporting the company in negotiations with the underwriter syndicate regarding deal economics and supporting execution and pricing of the offering.

How We Are Different

At Locust Walk, the firm acts as one integrated global capital markets team that partners with management to raise capital for companies which requires flawless coordination and execution. For private companies, raising funds and advising on their path to the public markets is our core focus and not a favor or afterthought. For public companies, our ability to source additional investors and tell your story effectively requires a team that understands positioning and active dialog with the broader investment community. We’re selective in who we work with, conducting thorugh due diligence in advance of engaging since,we devote significant resources into each financing. Lastly, we can pivot during a financing process to include strategic optionality to enhance the chances of successfully executing a deal. Getting the right deal done is what matters most.
Click here to see our transactions and case studies.
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